Stories: THE ŽIČE CARTHUSIAN MONASTERY: Carthusia-photoLukaDakskobler-002

Žiče Carthusian Monastery lies at the end of a narrow Žičnica stream valley. Its most important building is the Church of John The Baptist that lost its roof around 1840 during the years of abandonment after the monastery was closed. Only traces of living guarters can be seen left to the Otokar chappel. The founder of this monastery, his wife and son were buried here, but the tomb is now empty.

Žiče Carthusian Monastery lies at the end of a narrow Žičnica stream valley. Its most important building is the Church of John The Baptist that lost its roof around 1840 during the years of abandonment after the monastery was closed. Only traces of living guarters can be seen left to the Otokar chappel. The founder of this monastery, his wife and son were buried here, but the tomb is now empty.